Al-Baath University
Al-Baath University was established in 1973. IT is one of the Syrian governmental universities. The University Faculties are located in Homs and Tudmor (Palmira). Al-Baath University is located in the central region of Syria, where there are livestock and chemical industries and textile industries, in addition to the, monuments and tourism, Which requires the university attention to various types of science University is modern compared to other Syrian universities, but it is characterized by some Faculties and Department that are not exist in other universities, especially the departments of veterinary medicine, chemical and petroleum engineering, food engineering, music education, tourism and the Faculty of Health Sciences
Prof. Adnan Ghata
Contact Person
Rania Saroukh
Prof. Ahmad Mufid Subuh
Prof. Bassam Kssibi
Prof. Fouad Atallah
Prof. Chehada Suleiman
Prof. Rasin Zakieh
Prof. Hamza Ali
Prof. Hassan Abass



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Amman, Jordan